Chavasse Court Chambers, Queen Avenue, Liverpool

Fees in Criminal Cases

Please contact us for a quote and further information on all
applicable fees.

Tailored Pricing for Defence Services

Transparent Legal Fees

In respect of defence privately funded work and legally funded work wherever possible, we will agree fees depending on the type and complexity of the case and the seniority/expertise of the barrister. In deciding a fee, consideration will also be given to the amount of preparation involved and the seriousness of the charge.

Client-Centric Excellence

Flexible Fee Solutions

The fee structure will depend on the case. We charge: a brief fee (preparation for a trial and the first day); refresher fee (for each subsequent day of the trial including ongoing preparation); capped fees; hourly fees or fixed fees depending on the case and the barrister instructed.

Cases that qualify for legal aid will be billed under the legal aid regulations.