Chavasse Court Chambers, Queen Avenue, Liverpool
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Our Team

Carmel Wilde

Area(s) of Practice: Crime, Family
Year of Call: 2004

Qualifications: LL.B (Hons) Law with French

As a former Magistrates’ Legal Advisor, Carmel Wilde has a well-founded knowledge of all aspects of criminal law and defends cases in a range of areas including drug conspiracies, violent crime, fraud and child neglect. She has been a led junior in fraud and gang related conspiracy cases, as well as having had experience in civil gang related injunctions. Miss Wilde also appears in hearings before the Parole Board and deals with prison adjudications.

Miss Wilde was successfully awarded status as a Level 2 Prosecutor and has completed the training course required to prosecute sexual offences. She is also instructed in family cases involving public and private child law matters.

Miss Wilde is licensed by the Bar Council to deal with cases on a direct access basis.